Colin Doyle leads CWC at -10°

Colin’s got a 24° lead on his closest competitor, and he sent in this great video, thanks Colin! You’re looking good, will Minnesota’s 17-year CWC winning streak continue? We also love that Colin was riding a Honda Ruckus 50, you don’t need a Barcalounger to win this thing!

UPDATE: Rye set up a flickr pool here.

6 thoughts on “Colin Doyle leads CWC at -10°”

  1. Here’s a map of my route:

    Admittedly, the information displayed on the Garmin GPS at the end of the video isn’t 100% authentic. I haven’t installed a 12 volt outlet on the Ruckus yet, and I didn’t have faith that its battery would hold a charge for the entirety of the trip. Upon completion of my ride, I followed the route in my Toyota, trying to drive scooter speed whenever possible.


  2. Colin was definitely out in the cold. When he walks to his scooter you can hear the snow crunching under his feet. Having grown up in Alaska, I know that snow doesn’t start making that noise until around 10 degrees or colder. I love that sound.

  3. Merry Christmas, 2strokebuzz and friends!
    So glad we are up in the 60’s down here in Texas.
    Cheers to all the challengers, you’ve got plenty of ballz!

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