Play the Burger King® “The Twilight Saga:
Eclipse” Game, win a Vespa

Do it. Now. If I was guaranteed a free Vespa, I might eat at Burger King and go see a Twilight movie. “I Love You Man,” “Transformers,” it’s like they know all my favorite movies. I’m looking forward to the “Eat a live scorpion, then see your grandmother naked, win a Vespa” promotion.

4 thoughts on “Play the Burger King® “The Twilight Saga:
Eclipse” Game, win a Vespa”

  1. I don’t know whats worse, watching the Twilight movie or riding an LX50.

    I practically gave away the last used LX50 that came through here. Calling that scooter slow is being generous.

  2. Brooke, I think that would make it even slower.

    Of course, the only reliable way to speed up an LX50 is to drop it out of an aeroplane.

  3. It will go faster, but it will just have a 30 mile range.

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