Select the answer for each question that best applies to you. You may choose only one answer per question.

Choose one answer for each question:

I like to go fast.
I like to go very fast.
Words don't describe how fast i want to go.
I want to go slow enough so everyone can see how cool I am.
I want to not have to walk.

Style is very imporant.
I dont' care if it has an engine as long as it has lotsa chrome.
I don't care what it looks like as long as it runs.
Reliability is most important, but it should be somewhat stylish.
I'm comfortable with the fact that a thirty year old scooter might not run perfectly all the time.

I pay someone to change my oil.
I pay someone to pump my gas.
I have 198 metric sockets, and I'm not afraid to use them.
One time when my lawnmwer broke i got it running again.
If I add another port and advance the timing 1.31 degrees, I can get three more RPMs.

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