“Hamara Bajaj” commercial

I was just Googlestalking someone (more about that link in a minute) and found the famous “Hamara Bajaj” commercial in her YouTube favorites. I’ve always heard how great this commercial is, but never seen it until now. Assuming the swastika at :28 holds a different meaning in Indian culture than it does in Western culture (I’m pretty sure it does), it is a very touching tribute. Now MAKE SOME, Bajaj! I stand by my assertion that Bajaj will unveil the perfect scooter exactly one month after the worldwide scooter boom comes to an end.

3 thoughts on ““Hamara Bajaj” commercial”

  1. You freak. Do I need to get a GoogleRestrainingOrder?


    PS, there’s a national Bajaj rally in the works for next year. KC will be the destination.


  2. Nice nostalgic video! Cool find.

    Yeah, man, that a$$hole Hitler and the Nazis misappropriated the sacred Sanscrit symbol. That was just wrong!

  3. I <3 the mongo huge Bajaj gloveboxes… even more than Rally Gloveboxes!

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