Owners vs. Riders

Steve at Scooter in the Sticks posted a great observation yesterday about Scooter owners vs. Scooter Riders. I am definitely guilty of being an “owner,” and his use of photography as a metaphor hit home, as i’ve grown more interested in photography, I’ve grown to dislike “photographers,” instead favoring “people who take pictures.” If you’re a “rider,” you’ll love Scooter in the Sticks, it’s very much in the same vein as The Baron in Winter, with mostly personal anecdotes about riding, something you’ll rarely find on 2strokebuzz, ha.

2 thoughts on “Owners vs. Riders”

  1. Thanks for the kind words about my Scooter in the Sticks Web site. Like you, I also find myself more connected to people who use cameras and make pictures rather than polish them….

    Even though I have been riding through the central Pennsylvania winter on my Vespa LX150 I’m ready for warmer weather—it can’t be far off now can it?

    Rode to work this morning in 28 degree Fahrenheit temperatures. Making a turn onto Beaver Avenue revealed a long, long line of people lined up at 7AM outside a tavern named “the Phyrst”. The green faces and hats reminded me that today was St. Patricks Day and students at Penn State were ready for a day of drinking green beer. I parked my scooter along the street but was worried I would return to find it covered in green puke. My fears were unfounded, people still lined up to drink but the Vespa was fine.

    Glad I found your site. I’ll keep watching.


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