We reported on the Peg Perego Vespa GT for kids a while ago, but Nitro has finally spotted it for sale at Hammacher Schlemmer. $329.95? Suck it Milena, I’ll be able to buy you a real one for $329.95 by the time you get your license.
Update: Vespaway reports Sears and Walmart are selling it for less than $250. Still not cheap, but somewhat more reasonable.
It’s only for “classic” children anyway. Hooray for misplaced modifiers!
i see this smaller version has things we have been looking for in a new vespa, like a manual transmission.
If you want to complain about it being overpriced; you have to pick a retailer that isn’t, by nature, overpriced.
Every other retailer I check has it in the 225-250 range.
Use the following link for quick comparison shopping.