2008-09 Cold Weather Challenge Winners

The Cold Weather Challenge has ended for another year, even though it’s 18°F and snowing here in Chicago right now and Spring is nowhere in sight. Congratulations to the winners: First prize goes to Bob “Scootervillan” Hedstrom who rode over 10 miles on a 2007 Vectrix at -16°F in Minneapolis, MN on January 15. Bob’s our first winner on an electric scooter, and he’ll keep the title in Minnesota for yet another year. Runner-ups are Tom S. in Omaha (-11°, Yamaha Zuma 50 ) and Colin Doyle in Collegeville, MN (-10°F, Honda Ruckus 50).

Well, done, guys! Bob gets a bottle of Jeppson’s Malört to keep him warm at night, and we’ll dig up some good prizes for Tom and Colin. ANYONE who entered, email us your mailing address and we’ll mail you a sticker. If you didn’t enter, but want a sticker to boost your cold-weather cred, we’ll have them for sale at Scootmoto soon. Thanks to everyone who participated, it was a weird winter for CWC weather — plenty cold, but too much snow — but we still got some impressive numbers and a lot of participation!

2 thoughts on “2008-09 Cold Weather Challenge Winners”

  1. I like how explanatory the new sticker is, though I miss the Franklin Gothic. I have and older (Ryetronics version) “I took the CWC” sticker on my laptop and have gotten a few questions about what it is. Congrats to the winners!

  2. I’m really not happy with stickerjunkie’s T-H kerning pair. That font is horrendous, too, but it was the most ‘snowy’ one, and I was getting bored with Franklin Gothic.

    That reminds me, I should probably reprint the “BUNCH OF JERKS” ones one of these days.


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