Ryan, hold off on the TMax, it’s going to have 2010cc and a flux capacitor. Oh, wait, 2010 is the model year. It can’t possibly be almost 2010, can it? Surely Oberdan is behind this, right?
2 thoughts on “TMax 2010 concept”
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When scooter news breaks, we put it under a tarp in the garage.
Ryan, hold off on the TMax, it’s going to have 2010cc and a flux capacitor. Oh, wait, 2010 is the model year. It can’t possibly be almost 2010, can it? Surely Oberdan is behind this, right?
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No, the Obiboi concepts are always facing the viewer’s left. And are very obviously illustrations. This looks like a photograph.
I guess my reaction is, what is the point of the Tmax? Why blur the line between scooter and motorcycle when it’s very clear (in the U.S. at least) that motorcycle buyers want a motorcycle and scooter buyers want a scooter…
I was just kidding, this is obviously not Obiboy’s style (it does look like a photograph, but you never know anymore.
It seems pretty silly to me, but I’ve given up trying to guess what people like anymore.Obviously I’m not in the demographic.