From the Lambretta Motorcycles Facebook page, here is a video that even the exclusive vintage Lambretta lover could enjoy. Maybe a common enemy can be the tie that binds? Doubtful.
7 thoughts on “Vintage Lambrettisti Can Love This New Lambretta Video”
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Wow. Excellent concept, lame execution. Hopefully it’s not the same story with the scooters, ha.
Classic Lambretta Crap. Funny that the motor in is the Piaggio 150 Leader Motor
It doesn’t appear to have a Piaggio engine in it in any of the photos or this video. Are you confusing this with the Scomadi project that used a QUASAR engine?
the 150 has a Piaggio leader engine taken right out of a Piaggio Fly with a different cover mold and the larger wheel.. not sure about the 50cc or the 125cc because they may use a different setup…
That engine doesn’t appear in any of the latest photos of the scooter. The engine oil dipstick/filler and oil pan is not present. The Fly has the same size wheel, 12 inch.
Do you have a photo of this Piaggio engined new Lambretta?
No photos but the ones from mid summer when two of them came to Jacksonville.
One was suppose to be at lammy jammy in Portland but got held up in import stages in Canada it also had the Piaggio motor as well, all the new leader motors don’t have the kickstart system and casting are much different , not as different as the typhoons… I will search for the photos…
All the photos of the newest Typhoon 125 that I’ve seen have the standard LEADER oil stick and sump formation. I can’t see how this engine could just receive a different belt cover and look so drastically different.!s=home/typhoon-125
Though I don’t doubt it could end up with one. The other photos on the facebook page show a stamped chassis that looks similar in spirit to the ET/LX style chassis. I wonder if the new Lambretta is made in Viet Nam near the Piaggio factory?
edit: upon further digging. It’s a SYM engine in the bikes that are being sold in the UK.