
Two big changes in the U.S. scooter world this week:

Arguably the most influential player in the growth of scootering in America in the past two decades, Philip McCaleb, has stepped down from day-to-day operations at Genuine Scooter Company , to be replaced by Dorothy Hanley.

After five years as president of the Vespa Club of America, Mike Bobadilla has stepped down and passed the reins on to John ‘Jac’ Carolan of New Orleans, and Amerivespa will return to the Crescent City for 2014.

2 thoughts on “Ch-Ch-Changes”

  1. I’ve never met Dorothy, apparently she’s one of the investors from the Genuine recapitalizationglaven thingy that happened a while back. No idea what her scootering background is but she’s apparently been directly involved in the company for a couple years. My big question, if I had the energy to actually contact Phil and ask him, is whether this statement covers ScooterworksUSA and SWDIrect, or just Genuine.

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