So it was a fun weekend, Matt and Brooke came down, and Friday we went to Stew’s show, then Saturday we all wedged into Myk’s tiny riceboy car and went to the Duke of Perth for lunch, and Scooterworks, and I had a little party on Saturday night, at which Matt astounded us with news of the ressurection of Grain Belt. Our plan to go to the skate park on Sunday was thwarted by snow and cold, but I spent Saturday night skating back and forth from the beer fridge in my basement, and I think I’m now good enough at rolling in a straight line, especially when I’m drunk, to do some shopping. Wayne from Zmph has a longboard that’s like five feet long, you can walk around on it while you’re rolling downhill, and still have room for a cube of Old Style. Sunday night we went to the bar just east of Bowlin’ (Bowlin’ was closed for some reason), and it’s awesome, more on that later.