So you might have noticed the list of yahoogroups down the left side there. Recently the moderators of ChiScooterList decided to switch things up a bit to make things more useful. Now there are three lists:
- CHIscootEvents is a highly-moderated list to find out about local goings-on without any clutter. Lately, there’s been something scootery going on in Chicago almost every night, so I’m not gonna post most of that here anymore, I’ve syndicated that list here on 2sb for your convenience (I’ll add an icon link in the top bar soon).
- CHIscooterList is the original ChiScooter group, if you have questions about events or scooters or anything scooter related, this is the place to post.
- CHIscooterTalk is a new list for non-scooter-related chitchat.