Quang Nguyen’s hi-tech Vespa GTS

If I’d ever bothered to write about Amerivespa in Seattle, I’d have told you about Quang Nguyen’s Vespa GTS. Engadget beat me to it with a post about Nguyen’s “Best Modern Vespa”-winning scooter with a touchscreen Wi-Fi PC built into the glovebox. (ViaThe Scooter Scoop.) Another modern Vespista pitched an assfit about losing the award to Nguyen’s cool-but-gimmicky (and to be honest, somewhat sloppy) bike, but the more that dude got worked up over not winning a $6 skirt-bike trophy, the more I was happy Nguyen won, his bike certainly did stand out. (More scooter trophy surprises and disappointments in my upcoming review of the Quad Cities rally, ha.)

4 thoughts on “Quang Nguyen’s hi-tech Vespa GTS”

  1. Dissapointments at the QC rally? You deserved your trophy! Well, you were the most deserving non-Knuckledragger…

  2. Cool (if geeky & intense) guy. And the fact that some asshat was complaining (!) about losing a scooter trophy made it sweeter.

    Weird thing was we were at the end of day one of riding back home, roll into a random campground on Oregon Coast, and there’s Quang. He’s decided to stay at the place for a couple of weeks and study for school, popping down to the nearest town to use his onboard wi-fi receiver.

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