Here’s Ben with the details of the group ride in Chicago tomorrow (Saturday 4/5/2008):
In honor of our recent research of the Pabst brewing company and it’s
various brands, holdings and acquisitions. We’re holding the Colt
4/5 ride this Saturday, the fifth of April. We started our research
too late for Katharine to hold her St. Ides of March ride, but we’ll
look forward to that next year.The Plan. Meet at Pellys Liquors at 1pm – 3444 Lincoln, just south
of Addison, kiddy corner to the (now closed) Paulina brown line
stop. It shares a parking lot with the Pleasure Chest, so come early
if you need to do some shopping. We’ll pick our favorite malt liquor
of choice, preferably Colt but it’s your choice (non-alcoholic
beverages are permitted as well), and start the ride. We plan on
heading to the Forest Preserve near Touhy and 294 where we will find
ourselves a park bench and enjoy our brown bagged beverage. We’ll
head back to town via a different route.It’s early in the season, a lot of folks have just gotten their bikes
out so we’ll take it relatively slow and easy. It should be close to
a 30 mile ride. So come on out, have some malt liquor, and hell, if
you’re generous pick up an extra bottle for your favorite bum.
It was a beautiful day and the ride went well. Thanks to the 7 who made it out to the ride. Photos are here.
A woman did show up before the ride on a Lambretta Jet 200 in because she wanted to meet the infamous “blogger guy”, but alas, we had to tell her that he’s a rare sight ;)
Ha, she’d had been *more* disappointed if I *did* show up.
It was my tenth wedding anniversary! I was eating chocolate-covered strawberries and drinking champagne.