This week, Pinasco announced the development of a new cylinder for the venerable Vespa PX. The new cylinder kit is an exciting new take on one of Pinascos older creations with the intake consisting of a cylinder-inducted reed valve. The kit is dubbed the 177 VIT (Valve Inducted Transfer). The performance package includes a diaphragm carburetor with a built in vacuum powered fuel pump. The kit should also work with the Genuine Stella (though the Stella reed induction space would have to be blocked in a different way). Don’t go around slapping beautiful parts on an otherwise untouched motor. Blue-print the engine with a race crank and other appropriate parts and I bet this thing would make your old Vespa or Stella fly. It almost makes me want to get another largeframe Vespa. Almost. The announcement received via email states that it should be available in July but the main Pinasco website contains no additional information other than a mention of the new kit with their information about their attending World Vespa Week at the end of may.