We posted Chuck Mead’s great new video a few days ago, but it’s since been pulled from YouTube, The same YouTube link appears on Chuck’s MySpace page, so that’s strange, but being a big-shot music video director myself, I’m aware things don’t always happen the way you’d like, ha.
So we’ll get that re-linked ASAP, BUT! There’s good news! There are two other videos on YouTube with outtakes and behind-the-scenes footage from the video shoot, both of which are nearly as entertaining as the real video, especially because Chuck gets hassled by the Man in one of ’em. Check it:
These were shot by me, btw. I appear as an extra, on a silver Yamaha Vino 50. If you see a guy’s back in a black leater jacket with an obscured Tennessee Titans logo on the back, that’s me. :)
Also, Chuck said he thinks the video for the tune will be available again on Monday. They’re doing some kind of roll-out event, locally, and it’ll be up again once that’s finished.
That’s what I figured, Jeff, that’s great. Nice work on the B-roll there, it’s more than enough to entertain us while we wait.
Thanks. We had a lot of fun those two days of shooting back in December (a few weeks apart, due to weather). Chuck and the production folx were all really great, and they took us for beer and pizza at 3 Crow afterward.
I’ve got to credit James Duer (who’s shown in the video wrenching on his green Vespa) at East Side Scooters with helping to foster a nice li’l scooter community here in Nashville. It was his e-mail list that sent out the “casting call” for this, and he’s helped organize a number of rides and events.
Btw, If you know anyone who goes to Vanderbilt, be sure to tell ’em this is the last week to get in their entries for the Buddy 50 that ESS is giving away (only Vandy students are eligible, sorry!). Tell ’em to check out the Hustler or Versus paper on campus for details!
UPDATE: The video’s producer, James Weems, e-mailed this afternoon to ask if I would be interested in helping shoot some additional video for the tune on Sunday morning (and to bring along my scootin’ homies). They plan to spend Sunday editing, and re-release the final version of the video Monday morning.
Chuck is back.