I’m cutting off Feedburner, it used to be a great service, but since Google bought it, I haven’t even been able to see my stats, and the help forum was apparently abandoned months ago. I have no idea how many subscribers I have, or if my feeds are working correctly, So this is the last RSS feed you’ll see, and the last email you’ll get for a while.
Cutting this cord will force me to set up a better service, and I will post that info prominently on the site when it’s all working, hopefully over the weekend. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it just needed to be done. It sucks to have to start from scratch with RSS and newsletter subscribers, but I need to re-take control of my feeds.
This sucks b/c its how I keep up with 2SB…
I use RSS to track my scooter/motorcycle news too. The 2sb feed has always come through fine for me, maybe keep it in place until you have a replacement setup and ready to launch.
You’ll have to do it the old fashioned way, Ron: read ****and*******.