Businessweek and others are reporting that “McKinsey & Co Inc. is studying a possible merger
between Ducati Motor Holding SpA and Piaggio.” Before you get too excited, note that McKinsey & Co Inc. are regarded as occasionally-dangerous hypemongers. One commenter following up Autoblog’s story notes:
You may recall that McKinsey created the corporate strategy for Enron. Much of their work, which is often highly touted and quoted, is about suggesting mergers and consolidations, both internal and external to companies.
Still, it’s interesting to think about, in the greater scheme of Italian motorsports musical chairs. On one hand, homogenization strips brands of their individuality. On the other hand, Ducati’s credibility (with half of Piaggio’s revenues) couldn’t hurt Piaggio/Vespa/Guzzi/Aprilia in the U.S. market. And we’d all be invited to Ducati Island.
I think what it would surely do would be to lock in the safety net of Italian Gov’t. assistance or takeover in the event of reckless, personally profitable management. The next logical step would be for the Alitalia-Piaggio-Ducati conglomerate to be acquired by Fiat. Then the entire Italian transportation industry could collapse in one move. It’s just more efficient that way. And aren’t McKinsey efficiency experts? If they are all on an inevitable bankruptcy-riches cycle, wouldn’t it make more sense for them to do it all at once and save on associated costs and use the most leverage against creditors and governments ass possible? Victor Emmanuel would be proud. Maybe look for a Savoy amongst the wolves.
“Then the entire Italian transportation industry could collapse in one move. ”
You forgot to get Slivio Burlusconi, his media empire, Pirelli and Juventus or Inter Milan involved, but right, pretty much.
Lets not be ridiculous. Economies of scope are more of an Asian thing.