Kymco Agility review (South Africa)’s review of the Kymco Agility 125. You don’t hear much about the Agility, but it’s available here, for a mere $2000, $600 less than the Genuine Buddy.

3 thoughts on “Kymco Agility review (South Africa)”

  1. The Agility we get here is the 4 stroke 50. I don’t know if the 125 is coming

  2. The Kymco USA web site lists the 125 4t Agility as an available bike.

  3. So Ed uncrated one tonight and I got a chance to sit on it and get a feel for it. If it performs as well as that review I think it will be an impressive buy. Though I bet OTD costs will hint at 2500 after freight and tax, I think it will be a winner next spring. It’s much bigger than the buddy and that will probably mean not as snappy in accleration as the buddy but it’s probaby more friendly to carring a passenger. I

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