You may remember our trip to watch some ICE Speedway motorcycle racing last year (a long story loosely centered around “Doc” from the Love Boat. Our main takeaway from that adventure was that anyone who shows up a couple hours early with durable boots, a box of tire studs, and a few hundred bucks will get a chance on the ice.
Genuine Scooter Company and/or Scooterworks apparently saw an excuse for a fun night out/cheap marketing stunt and grabbed it by the horns, staging a race between three 50cc Genuine Buddies and a Roughhouse at the recent ICE races in Danville IL. Hard to say who’s who out there, but we’re betting it’s Ryan Jeffries tearing it up on the Roughhouse. Sadly, the video ends before the race does, but we think the Roughhouse had it sealed up.
Sure looks like fun, and it sounds like the crowd enjoyed it… Plus, if they did enough laps, they may be winning the Cold Weather Challenge.
Here’s another video from a different angle:
Thanks (Which may be Ryan?)
Worst. Headline. Ever.
From Start line, Left to Right
Rob Pecher Service guy at SW, Larry SW GM. Ryan J, and Evan, service guy SW.
Ryan really modded his RH so it’s no wonder he kicked some A. Rob had “Shoppie” the 50 cc Shop bike so he was at a clear disadvantage.