Speaking of 2SB cashing in (stop laughing), we’ve finally updated Scootmoto with about a dozen new items, including:
(Finally!) NEW 2strokebuzz T-shirts, a very limited-edition tribute to one of the greatest albums ever, and because our son Calvin (obviously) needed one, we did a few onesies. We only printed 36 shirts, so if you’re actually twee/old enough to get the reference, order fast!
Voodoo Scooter Parts Genuine Buddy lighting adapters. We’ve actually had these for ages and we were taking photos of them for Scootmoto when Calvin was born (he’s six months old now, we’ve been kinda busy).Bumpstart 4 (with a 2strokebuzz-designed cover!)
The mighty GEN-U-BIN
Great scootergirl patches and pins from Dakotamouse.
SPAZ carabiners (2010 patches are in the works)
and more! Dig around, it’s not even all on the front page!
So we’ll leave that banner in a 1:4 rotation with the Motorsport ad. Alex was cool with it, heh.
The note on the shirts is awesome!