Sunday Ride 3/14: South Side Irish Parade/Soul Vegetarian/Waxon7 show!

Meet at 9:45 AM at El Rancho Cha Cha – 3140 W Lyndale St (park in back). Coffee and bagels for everyone who shows. Ride to south side leaves at 10:15am SHARP. Fight our way to the parade, have a beer or two (be safe!) and afterwards ride to Soul Vegetarian, 205 E. 75th St., for some bbq twists and protein tidbits (sounds bad, tastes good) after that, to the Waxon7 show at the Bottom Lounge. Goodtimes.

Vote Now for the 2strokeBuzz Music Awards

The Grammys sucked, as usual, so we’re having our own music awards. No industry backpatting, no genres, no confusion over the difference between “best record” and “best album,” and no hookers and blow to sway votes. We’ll name 2sb readers’ choices for winners and runners-up in each category, as well as our editor’s choices. We’ll name the winners on March 1st, so send in your votes before February 29th. >>
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